
Friday, August 30, 2019

questions About plastic

 for reading i was making a slides about stop making plastic.

it was hard at the beginning and it got easier at the end.

if you have done this before how hard was it?.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

the great pacific garbage

Today I was Learning about the great pacific garbage How much plastic is the great pacific garbage ocean.

The Videos about plastic in the ocean and it is killing sea Life like sea turtles,Wales and fish and some Humans eat fish so they die from the fish that eat plastic. in A few years there will be more plastic in the sea then there are fish in the sea and Seagulls are getting stuck in the plastic that people throw on the ground Humans are killing animals that was here before us and that is not good for this species People need to help the animals that are stuck in the plastic fishing nets Take 600 years to break up. It is getting worse and it is getting bad it is really bad plastic is bad.

it was Hard At the beginning it got easier at the end.

How would you do it if you have a blog.

Friday, August 2, 2019

My No more plastic comic

We have been learning about how bad plastic is for animals in our sea.

I like that we can help to stop using plastics and this will save our animals that have been alive for longer than we have. How do you think you could help our animals?

Our tips for comments

We have been learning about how to comment nicely on others people's blogs.

I found this lesson fun because I had never used my Chromebook to make  a comic strip before.
Have you ever done this before?