
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

making a spear from Greece

I am making a paper spear from Grease and it's is called something in my classroom to learn about something that is not from New Zealand

Thursday, June 11, 2020

about Taniwha

what's a Taniwha eat 

taniwha would eat fish People,
it can go on land for little while it's the
only eats two things 
where does a Taniwha live 

Taniwha live in 
oceans and
 Rivers and 
dark caves or
in sea
what does a Taniwha look like

it looks like the
colour of stone or
different colour and
what Taniwha are

Taniwha are
supernatural creatures
in Māori tradition,
similar to serpents
and dragons in
other cultures
how long do
Taniwha Live

Taniwha live
long time probably
live longer people